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Magnum York Financial Reference QuickGuide

Get a better understanding of how to read your Condominium Financial Statements and Auditor’s Reports with our 8-Page QuickGuide for Condo Board Members.

Magnum York QuickGuide Financial Reference for Condo Board Members
Magnum York Financial Statement Reference QuickGuide for Condo Board Members Cover on an iPad

Why Is The Magnum York Financial Reference QuickGuide Great For Condo Board Members?

Knowledge is Strength

Understanding financial statements allows you to ask informed, clarifying questions about deeper issues.

Know Where To Go

Annual Budgets and Net Income Comparison Statements for the current period and year-to-date can show that your condo is on track financially.

A Financial Mindset

Good financial focus is at the core of any successful corporation, including condominiums. Magnum York Financial Statements have been developed over years specifically for your type of property.

Breathe Easier

Magnum York ensures the task of collections is handled fairly, and consistently; protecting the condominium corporation as well as individual board members

Flexible Efficiency

Understanding your financials and being able to navigate change is key to both current and future success.

The Auditor's Report

Learn about the various statements in an Auditor's report, and the difference between an Audit and Notice-To-Reader.

Why magnum york?

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It’s Time For Change

These are challenging times with a lot of change. That’s why Magnum York has been adapting by investing in systems, tools & our people to ensure consistency, reliability, and responsiveness in your property management. 

Condo Boards are also experiencing change, with board members retiring or with short terms, and dealing with more complicated governance than ever.

Magnum York serves over 750 properties in 14 cities from our offices in Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer, Olds, Ft. McMurray, and Medicine Hat. With 13 RECA licensed property managers and supporting staff across Alberta, we’re proud of our reputation of helping Albertan Condominiums for 30 years. 

Consistent. Reliable. Responsive.

If we currently serve your property, THANK YOU! If you don’t have Magnum York as your Property Manager, maybe it is time for change? Go to to get a no-obligation proposal on what we can do for your property.


eBook Alberta Condo Board Director

"How To Be A Great Board Director In Alberta" eBook Download

Being a Condo Board Director Can Be Demanding.

Make it easier. Download our free 20-page eBook.

As a Condo Board member, use MYWebPortal to keep track of your financials at your fingertips 24/7/365

Using read-only live data from our Magnum York systems, you can “Go From Guessing to Knowing” with 19 customizable reports in MYWebPortal

Play Video
Check out the video for a quick overview on how to log in to MYWebPortal and an example of running a Delinquency Fee Collection Report for your property.

Looking for a property management proposal for your condominium?

We can provide a no-obligation quick estimate to quickly compare with your old property manager.